Sunday, April 15, 2007

well, poop.

i was gonna go to the beach today, but look, it's all rainy and grey. i know, i know, cry you a river, right? i thought y'all might like that after i've tortured you for so long. since i can't go to the beach, i think i might bust open this durian thing. i was sitting here last night and i kept getting wafts of something funky-smelling, and i finally realized it was the durian! so i don't know if it's time yet, but if it gets any stinkier i'm not going to want to eat it at all. so check back later for that action.

i guess i'll send doodle out for the paper. actually it'll be a good excuse to try and find some more jobs to apply for. i mean, if i didn't have that volunteer gig i might be a little stir-crazy by now. i was hoping that gig would introduce me to some folx and start some networking, but instead, my supervisor has made it abundantly clear that she hopes i *never* get a job. i explained that at some point, i wouldn' t have gas money to drive there and help her, and she graciously offered to give me bus fare.

yeah, deb's a funny lady. we've been working in the botanical collection and neither of us are botanists, so when we read a plant's Latin name, we look at it from a purely aesthetic perspective. Neither of us care for the fern genus Doodia. Deb is particularly fond of the raspberries, Rubus, especially Rubus mcraei. I think that should be a old hound dog, not a raspberry. So there we are, two grown women, saying things like, "pass me the Thyssanothingy", or "hm. Phyllocanthria. That would be a lovely name for a baby girl."

I looked at the pictures i posted from the parade yesterday, and i didn't post any of the floats! yes there were plenty of floats, so i might have to put up a few of those. later, i mean.

*yawn*. i've discovered that coffee tastes good with coconut milk in it instead of half and half. those who know me know that i have to have my half and half. except it's $5 a quart here. yikes! so i tried the coconut milk ($1.39 a quart) and it is a more than suitable alternative. don't worry, i'm not gonna go vegan or anything, milk and cheese are quite affordable (they even had a special on Brie last week). but half and half will have to be reserved for sales. also cereal. i did pick up a box of frosted flakes when they were on sale for $3.50. Cereal here runs about $6-7 a box! even the bagged stuff is pricey. i saw some frosted mini-wheats on the sale rack (the little box) for $4.99. meanwhile, sashimi-grade ahi is $6/lb. so it's not like i'm suffering or anything.

okay, more later on durians. and i think the sun is coming out, hooray!


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