Thursday, April 26, 2007

things are getting interesting around here

1. we had a 3.7 earthquake
2. i got (most) of my stuff in the mail from nawlins
3. i have a job interview next week
4. i saw another turtle
5. at least doodle's important things made it safely

1. yes, we had an earthquake at about 5 a.m. today. it felt like the bed turned to jelly for a minute. i thought i was possessed by de Debil! doodle got all freaked out, and then we went back to sleep. apparently it was 5 miles underneath us and about 26 miles south. my first earthquake! yay, i mean, eep.

2. Tuesday I got 3 boxes (out of six) in the mail. Unfortunately I was not here to accept them so they went to the post office. I picked them up on Wednesday. They were all open and the P.O. ppl made me pay, cause we tried to sneak them thru the cheap Media Mail option, and they didn't contain Media. It would have worked, too, if i had been home instead of volunteering at the stupid volcano. (pout) oh well. today i got a verrry small package. inside were a few of the contents of one of the Big Big boxes. i got a photo album torn in half -- wait, let me rephrase that -- half of a torn photo album, my undergrad degree, one store-bought DVD (I had about 35), and that's about it. they cut out the postage and address from the original box and taped it on this one. i'm really hoping that tomorrow i will get the rest of that box's contents, but i have to say i might have lost a lot of things: all my cds and my DVD "archive" (500 cds; about 250 movies) and a lot of books. so say a little prayer that they were able to collect all those items and figure out to send them to me.

3. what was 3 again? oh yeah, i have a job interview next week. for the job in the enchanted rainforest protecting all the little endangered birdies. i will keep you posted on that, fo shizzle.

4. self-contained and fairly explanatory

5. doodle got his favorite toy back. his mama was too stoopid to pack it in her suitcase. it was a joyful reunion.

oh, and that picture with the green things on a big stick? yeah. that's a tsunami siren. i've seen a few different designs and i'll be posting some more de temps en temps.

that's the Aloha Report for today. I'm going to go try and think aloha thoughts and not kill-the-postman thoughts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your postman is even worse than mine, who I swear reads all my magazines before giving them to me.
I hope you get your stuff back. If not we'll have to start a DVD drive for you.