Friday, March 21, 2008

fascinating neurological phenomenon of the day: synaesthesia

"Synaesthesia means the sensory receptors in the brain are cross-wired so that sounds are felt, tastes are smelled, sensations are heard, &c. Many people experience this to some minor degree (you feel that Wednesdays are purple, for example). "


1 comment:

Christopher said...

My doctoral lecture recital was entitled "Synaesthesia and the Stile Oiseau : Olivier Messiaen's Petite Esquisses d'Oiseaux".

Messiaen saw these crazy complexes of color when he heard musical sonorities, like a field of smoky purple with veins of gold and flecks of white. All you can do is take his word for it, I guess! I always did feel like D Major was kinda yellow, but I didn't actually see the color as these people supposedly do.