Thursday, May 24, 2007

there's a man in a tree outside my window

and i'm on the fourth floor. he's got a machete and is hackin away at a palm tree. huh.

so check out the poster! i need to go to vanuatu and learn their pidgin. i love it.

the third shot is the pool at this fancy place. but look, they nickel and dime you to death here. if anyone i know visits and stays here i'm going to kick their butts, cause this place is a ripoff. they wanted to charge me ten bucks a day for wireless internet. as if. hooray for bluetooth!

i'm sick as a dog today and sitting out the conference. they have a short day and it's mostly about ants of little concern to me in my new position, but i still feel a little guilty, and i'd like to be learning things, but i think the cold has progressed to sinus infection, so i'm just going to have to suck it up. i'll have some spicy soup for lunch and be better tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone is going to enjoy that water at 4.50. I don't care how refreshing it is.