Friday, May 18, 2007

i'm going to a conference and haven't even been hired yet. huh.

i'm going to be my new boss's "invitational guest" at the First International Pacific Invasive Ant Conference next week in Kona! yes, i get to come back to the sunny side of the rock, all expenses paid, for 3 days of playing catch-up, because i don' t know diddly about pacific ants! yes, i am now a myrmecologist. or an ecologist. or an invasive species person. or something.

anyway the conference will be cool and makes me happy for several reasons:

1) it means that if HR gives my new boss any grief about hiring me, he'll most likely kick some butt

2) it means that he is serious about sending me to conferences (maybe the next one will be in Sydney! or Tokyo!)

3) it gives me a reason to get out of bed in the morning, finally.

well that third one is sort of a tack-on cause i needed a #3. but it's also kind of true.

the poor neglected Doodle, though. does anyone want to come cat-sit? anyone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear about the ant conference goody bags.