Sunday, September 2, 2007

six months already??!?

yes, today is my 6-month anniversary! doodle and i may have some sashimi to celebrate. things have been a little tight moneywise, and i'm still acclimating to the job, but all in all i'm happy about the way things are going. i just got an advancement at work, i am now an Entomological Research Associate instead of a mere Assistant, and i get more money for that, yay! in addition, the project i'm leading is in full swing and i'm happy to be doing it. this month we get 3 new interns which means i will have 5 gung-ho helpers to do my evil bidding! i can just sit back and eat bon-bons and make them do all the work. not. they are an enormous help, though. i can't imagine what the lab would do without them.

i don't have much to share picture-wise, but check out these purple sweet potatoes. they are so tasty i can't even believe it. i don't like the orangey kind, but these ones? they have crack in them.

i said i'd report on the jaboticaba. they were good, but there's not much to them after you get rid of the slightly bitter skin and the pit on the inside. yummy, though. one dollar well spent. here's the current fruit situation at Hale Snook:

that is a tiny little 2-pound pineapple grown here on the island. organic white Puna pineapple. 79 cents a pound. i think he's adorable. he's for the chopping block today for sure. he'll probably turn into pineapple salsa with a few chunks reserved to garnish the mai-tai. all i'm gonna do today is eat and go to the beach. i think that's a fitting anniversary present!

i'm coming back to the mainland at the end of October (happy birthday to me), but instead of the cross-country extravaganza i had planned, i'm only going to new orleans. i'll be there the 25th of october till the 4th of november if anyone wants to come have a nawlins halloween with me!

this week has had its share of bad news, though: kelly lost her mom, laura her dad, and amber jolene her grandmother. i'm thinking about all three of you, ladies. i wish i could be there to give you all big hugs.

that's it for now. everybody take care and remember the ppl you love won't be around forever. love 'em as much as you can now.




Andrea said...

YUMMY pineapple... i visit the islands every year for work and i can't wait to
pig out on all sorts of great food!

Archer said...

I wish I could make it to NO in October. I miss all my peeps!

meowblack said...

Hey honey! Bran told me you are coming in for Halloween!!! KNY and I will be in for Voodoo Fest Oct. 26-29th. Hopefully we will all cross paths.


truedat said...

wish i was gonna be in nola to hang with you! what activities do you have planned? miss you and the doodle!