Monday, August 13, 2007

Holy $@#&ing &$#%!!!

so i'm getting all prepared for Flossie (thanks for all the "moooooo"s, btw, and for telling me she's only gonna "graze" us here, lol), and we have a BIG FREAKIN 5.3 EARTHQUAKE!!!! wow. the whole house shook, stuff fell over, the fridge walked across the room, doodle freaked. the only casualties were my John Preble print (just needs new glass now, no biggie) and, snif -- my goblet that Kelly made me with her own two hands. looks like i need to do some earthquake-proofing around here. i wish i liked plastic. but i just don't.

i feel like i just got off a crazy ride at the carnival. the whole neighborhood's all a-twitter. smells like somebody's Costco-sized bottle of Drakkar Noir broke, too. Yukka.

all i need now's a tsunami.....

Funny, too. it was an absolutely beautiful day today.


Anonymous said...

HOLY SCHMOKES! I just saw the news! Glad to hear you were not involved in any mudslide action. The only kinda mudslide you want to get invovled in comes in a glass. xo, s + k

Anonymous said...

Hey Miss K! Take care of yourself and stay out of Floozie's way. Cows of questionable upbringing can be quite unpredictable. Seriously, hope you ride 'er out with no ill effects. Love from NC, MizChiffon

Anonymous said...

Ribbit. Be strong and watch out for Lootie makin off with a bucket full of lychess this time rather than Heineken's.

Archer said...

Hold on girl.