Thursday, June 5, 2008

doggie drama: raoul learns to swim

poor raoul! we took him for his aquadog training session and it was a little traumatic. There were a lot of people on the sand beach, so we chose a rocky water entry -- in more ways than one. Nanook demonstrates the opposite of "the buddy system".

Later we found an unpopulated sandy area that raoul was much more comfortable with. He wasn't too into it at first...

..but got the hang of it eventually.

(the next day, raoul ate nanook's lifevest. was it jealousy, revenge, or just levelling the playing field? hmmm....)


Chris said...

OMG! they are so effin' cute together! Raoul is totally going to become AguaPerro Supremo!

kirsten said...

I'm so glad you agree that Raoul is of Spanish ancestry. We were wondering if he might actually be French and if we should spell it Raoult, but I think you are correct, el esta AguaPerro Mejor!!