Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: Jabba The Doodle, aka Walrus Basking In Sunshine

I was just telling boy this morning that Doodle has gone supernova, so i thought i'd better back that up with some visuals. He is *so* not at his bikini weight. Apparently our lovable doodle is entering his Orson Welles phase. Not only is his belly enormous, but his attitude is a LOT snarkier than it used to be. he's obviously acting out and has an eating disorder. i have yet to find the right rehab program for him, though. he misses his neighbors in NOLA that used to snorgle him without mercy and spoil him rotten.

(okay, 90% of the time he's still the same old snuggly Doodle. but he hasn't let me sleep a night through since we came here almost a year ago. i guess his circadian clock never re-set.)

anyway, we had sunshine today for a change! thanks god. and i may start a new blog called "weird yard flowers". Today's came off a tree. any botanists in the crowd?

well i guess that's all the news for today, except that my car is possessed by demons. i went to the grocery store and it locked me out. that's right. i could not get into my car. then finally the passenger side door opened, so i got to crawl into the drivers seat that way. i thought maybe it was the powerlock fuse, which might have fried because of all the stupid rain, but guess what?? you can only get to the fusebox if the driver's door is open! so i messed with that for an hour or so and then it just sort of fixed itself. very strange.

so shenaynay, that's what held me up from calling you this afternoon like i'd planned. sorry honey! this week? i'll do my durndest. we been playing phone tag for months.

1 comment:

dmb5_libra said...

cute blog! i'm going to have to read back from the beginning. hilarious.