Tuesday, May 22, 2007

doodle has a new little brother

this will be my token cat-lady post for the month. one of my neighbors has had it with hawaii and is going back to the mainland. she said she was going to take her kitty (the orange one i posted about long ago when i thought he was homeless) to the shelter. so of course i couldn't let that happen. he and doodle seem to tolerate each other, i've even seen them hanging out together. so this is Urnge, formerly known as Dog-Dog. he is a little freak. he's mostly an outside guy so everything should work out okay.

also in cat news, doodle likes coconut milk. here he is drinking my thai tea.

also in neighbor news, the guy in the back house (retired military, young japanese wife, listens to Rush Limbaugh Every Single Day) came up when i was helping the neighbor lady move. he said, "i'm moving too, got my orders. going to china." i said, really, what part, how exciting &c, and he said "Bangkok." i said, oh, i thought you said china. thailand, huh? i have family in chiang mai. then he said "That's where I'm going! Chiang Mai!"

i'm thinking we don't have all our marbles.

so that's your post for today. i'm feeling a little puny and am trying to shake a cold before going back to kona tomorrow. i will have pictures of the Phat hotel and the exciting ant conference later this week, i know y'all want to hear all about that. and belle, i'll let you know what's in the goody bags, cause i'm curious myself!

oh -- i just found out that some folks from nc state that i worked with (same dept, not really "with") are coming to this conference to present stuff. so it won't be all strangers. that's kinda nice.

birthday shoutouts to leah (yesterday) and blan (today). happy birthday, you'uns! kick out the jams. mofos.


Christopher said...

Urnge cute.

Anonymous said...

Is he on the roof? Reminds me of another little kitty we once knew.

ney ney

Chris said...

here go yo UUURRRRNNNNGE!!!! i've never been so happy to hear a kitty's name. i love it!