so. new orleans. Hoo! New Orleans looks GREAT! I know you're supposed to say that about people you haven't seen in a while, but wow. Everyone had their best Halloween trimmings on the house and yard. Here are a few of my favorites:

at some point Laura and Tim and I all started talking like y'ats. (that's folks from deep in the Parrish for you yankee types.) Actually it was more like a cross between y'ats (almost a bronx accent) and the way New Orleans people talk in movies. Sort of Gone With The Wind-y/Blanche DuBoise-y. It was very odd and none of us could stop ourselves even when we tried. It was like after Katrina, staying with Gary (a Glaswegian) and Summer (a Jacksonian)-- everyone began to adopt a Scottish lilt. these things just happen.
Tim left on Halloween, and I went to stay with Chris and Brandy. Or was it Yaggy? They all put me up and were wonderful hosts. I've always depended on the kindness of.... see, there i go again!
This will be the longest post in the world if i don't start condensing. Here are some highlights:
- turn-down service with chocolates on pillow at Laura's;
- fog machine, bubble machine, strobe light, creepy halloween music, and wine on Laura's fantastic porch;
- going to Folahan's school and seeing all the children dressed up for halloween and jacked up on candy and soda;
- seeing the New Pornographers with Ian and Yaggy on Halloween;
-a lovely day at the zoo with Brandy;
- many drinks with Belle and Husband and Amy and Blake, esp. cocktails Chez Buchert/Woodruff;
- QT with Emily and Jerrilynn; down-slash-q-time with Chris and Brandy;
- Cocktails with the monkey house crew;
- Lots and Lots of great new orleans food (the 5-pound weight gain I foretold did indeed happen): Frankie and Johnny's, Crepe Nanou, Rivershack, Coop's, Langenstein's, Crabby Jack's, Felix's, Acme... i think i just peed a little remembering it...
- St. Joseph's Plantation tour in the Earth F***er (rented Ford Expedition), full of sightseers;
- and last but not least, of course, being reunited with my beloved Timothea.
The bad news: my suitcase broke shortly after arrival. piece of crap. it was only its fourth voyage. then it REALLY broke just as i was getting ready to leave! it had no handles and brandy had to haul it downstairs from the 5-9-4-1 for me! i left it with yaggy in case the Suitcase People wanted proof that it was all fooshed up, but when i emailed them, they said oh no problem, we'll credit you back, just throw that sucker out. they've also given me discounts when they run sales on things i just purchased at pre-sale prices. So that's my little plug for the suitcase people.
At the NOLA airport I saw something I'd been meaning to get on my stay: Barbeque Shrimp Mix!!! So as soon as I got home (Molly and Corinna picked me up, and they brought me a lei!! how sweet is that???) and got my wits about me, I went and got 6 pounds of scriuuumphs and made BBQ scrimps for the neighbors, catsitters, and colleagues. I also was hell-bent on recreating Langenstein's creole potato salad at home, and I am happy to say I cracked it! and, while that is happy news indeed, I must report that it, like all great food, has a Context. What I made tastes damn good, but it doesn't seem right eating it in Hawaii. I'm gonna, tho, every time I make potato salad!!
Yup, so now it's off to Iowa (BRRR! I was cold even in New Orleans! I packed better for Iowa, though. I even have a pair of grandma's leather & cashmere gloves to wear. yay!)
Hope all's well everywhere, and that happy halloweens were had by all.